7 September 2022

A breath in the ocean Urooba Jamal - Reference List

United Nations, “Indigenous Peoples are the best stewards of our environment”, UN statistics.

UNDP, ”Maldives”, Climate change crisis. 

The Guardian, “The last of the sea nomads”, Bajau people in Indonesia.

The World Bank, “Blue Economy”, multi-billion-dollar sustainable ocean investment portfolio.

SeaDragon, “One World Breath”, Action on ocean and climate issues.

National Geographic Indonesia, “Oceans for Indonesia's Prosperity: Towards a Sustainable Ocean and Blue Economy Strategy”, Threats facing Indonesia’s oceans.

Amazon.co.uk, “Future Sea: How to Rescue and Protect the World's Oceans”. Purchase in CAD, Purchase in USD, Goodreads

United Nations, “Ocean-based climate solutions in action – from offshore renewable energy to a clean, resilient maritime sector: Side Event - UN Ocean Conference 2022”, Ocean-based climate solutions.

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