#StartARipple Action List

Out of the Grey Space

This list of action items was first printed along with article titled Out of the Grey Space in ROC Issue 03, pages 17-23. To submit resources relating to this topic, please send us an email.

Ways to help when time and resources are limited.

Support survivors without negating their experiences.

Khan shared a precious memory from soon after her injury when a friend came over just to hold her hand as she worked through difficult emotions. Being present
for someone in recovery doesn’t require you to be an expert on traumatic brain injuries: all you need to be is a good listener who shows up with humility.

WATCH the documentary We Are Visible. The film follows diverse people living with
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and includes interviews with people
from England, Malta, Germany, America, Holland, and Belgium throughout their daily lives.


READ Disability Visibility, a book about the underrepresentation of disabilities in media
and popular culture.

CHECK OUT the podcast The Sunflower Conversations, which sheds light on people living with hidden disabilities and features perspectives from people having deep conversations about their experiences.

Tools for contributing when you have more time or resources

Raise awareness about the long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries.

An injury may take only a moment to occur, but its effects can last for years or a lifetime. Sharing information with friends, family, and colleagues about the long-term symptoms of brain injuries can help increase public awareness of the struggles survivors face. In turn, this helps people identify the early signs of a brain injury and prepare to cope with any lasting effects.

Options for ongoing and sustainable engagement.

Cultivate accommodations for brain injury survivors.

Are you part of a hiking group, a knitting club, or a tabletop gaming society? Consider how your social circle can be more mindful of the needs of traumatic brain injury survivors. Examples of accommodations include choosing quiet locations for meetings, helping survivors navigate stairs, dimming bright lights and screens, or simply being gracious when someone takes a few extra minutes to think before they speak. A little patience and prior knowledge of what to expect can go a long way.

ENGAGE in a conversation. How do you support someone with a disability?

How You Can Help


Our actions define us.

Whether you can give five minutes, five dollars or five days, your actions contribute to a positive ripple of change. Find direct links to all resources listed in our magazine below. Join the movement today!

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